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時間:2017-06-15 來源:互聯網 瀏覽量:

2017年6月1日,微軟在香港頒布了2017年度微軟手機應用開發合作夥伴獎(2017 Microsoft Mobile App Development Partner of the Year Award Finalist),北京紫晟科技有限公司從全球115個國家,超過2800個競爭者中脫穎而出,憑借出色的解決方案和服務,被授予2017年度微軟最佳移動應用開發夥伴獎。


作為大中華區唯一得獎的產品,iNAS SmartContract是在Xamarin上編寫的電子簽名應用程序,基於iNAS的 b-DMS(基於區塊鏈技術的文檔管理係統)與公有區塊鏈進行緊密集成。借助iNAS產品,企業數據能夠以安全和異地冗餘的方式被保存在Microsoft Azure的存儲中,並且針對現有的Office 365用戶,企業還可以選擇使用OneDrive for Business以及SharePoint門戶所提供的存儲空間作為iNAS的存儲空間使用。


傳統NAS服務器隻適合應用在較小的網絡或者局域網內,當出現多台客戶端訪問NAS文件係統時,NAS的存儲性能將大大下降;另外,當企業內部網絡發展到一定規模時,NAS設備的數據服務和數據管理形成了網絡的雙重負擔,要同時做備份和恢複等操作;並且,NAS後期的擴容成本高,一般的NAS沒有高可用配置,容易形成單點故障,存在數據損壞和丟失的危險。而區塊鏈的應用是一項顛覆性技術,麵對傳統NAS所暴露出的問題,北京紫晟科技通過將NAS的應用場景與Microsoft Azure公有雲平台相整合,利用公有雲海量的存儲資源,為企業客戶交付安全、易用、可彈性擴容的存儲和共享平台,成為企業運維部門的得力助手。


據悉,紫晟科技已率先將iNAS產品以SaaS服務的方式發布至中國電信Microsoft Azure雲應用商店當中,讓企業用戶能夠以線上的方式快速的體驗、訂閱和享受iNAS雲端文件保存、分享與備份所帶來的便利。


Unissoft recognized as Finalist for 2017 Microsoft Mobile App Development Partner of the Year Award Hong Kong — June 1, 2017 — Unissoft Technology Co. Ltd. today announced it has been named a Finalist (Runner-up) in the 2017 Microsoft Mobile App Development Partner of the Year Award. The company was honored among a global field of top Microsoft partners for demonstrating excellence in innovation and implementation of customer solutions based on Microsoft technology.

Awards were presented in several categories, with winners chosen from a set of more than 2,800 entrants from 115 countries worldwide. Unissoft was recognized for providing outstanding solutions and services in the 2017 Mobile App Development Partner of the Year Award.

iNAS SmartContract is the eSignature App written in Xamarin on top of the Azure-based iNAS b-DMS that tightly integrated with the Public Blockchains like Etherium and DigiByte. Different from the tradition eSignature services by Certificate Authority Public Key Infrastructure (CAPKI) in the market, Blockchain, the disruptive technology, allows contracts to be stored at customers' owned Azure. Only signing evidence (or the document 2 hash) is stored in the Blockchain as public certification. CAPKI are centralized, single point of failure and requiring documents stored in a third-party notary service provider. With iNAS SmartContract, customers eliminate their concerns on the privacy and cybersecurity.




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