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時間:2017-05-04 來源:互聯網 瀏覽量:


Microsoft Corporation unveiled Tuesday a new hardware personal computer (PC) model together with a new software operating system slightly different from its previous Windows version.


這款全新的名為Surface Laptop的個人電腦不斷的由技術專家迭代更新,它曾經一度為最大的軟件發行商,同時占據著硬件和軟件市場。

The new PC, known as Surface Laptop, continues efforts by the technology giant, once prided itself on being the biggest software publisher, to engage the market, both on the hardware and software fronts.


The company headquartered in Redmond, Washington state, in northwestern US, claimed at an event in New York City that the new PC is thinner, lighter and faster, with better battery life, display quality, storage and portability, and is available for pre-order starting Tuesday.


At 2.76 pounds, or 1.25 kilograms, and 14.47 millimeters at its thickest point, the laptop comes with a 13.5-inch display and a latest-generation central processing unit (CPU) from Intel Corporation.


The configuration, Microsoft said, is what college students have been asking for.

預裝的Windows 10 S操作係統在安全性以及性能上對Windows 10 Pro操作係統進行改進優化。然而,新的操作係統隻能使用Windows 在線商城中的應用程序,且Microsoft Edge為默認瀏覽器。

The pre-installed new operating system, known as Windows 10 S, is a specific configuration of Windows 10 Pro that offers a familiar experience that's streamlined for security and performance. However, Microsoft said, the new system exclusively runs applications, or apps, from the online Windows Store and uses Microsoft Edge as its default web browser.




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