當前位置:係統粉 >   IT資訊 >   英國電話激活win10 win10企業版電話激活步驟

英國電話激活win10 win10企業版電話激活步驟

時間:2018-12-15 來源:互聯網 瀏覽量:


windows10激活工具是專為激活win10係統而製作的,不僅支持一鍵激活win10專業版係統,還支持激活其他版本的windows和office辦公軟件。Windows10激活工具操作簡單,隻需一鍵操作,永久免費使用。暴風win10激活工具支持激活所有32位 64位的Windows10係統。



Thank you for calling Microsoft. For security purposes, please enter the following number using your touch phone pad. Please enter the number, XXX

(感謝致電微軟,為了安全,請輸入接下來的數字,請輸入數字 XXX)


Thank you, success. Please hold while I transfer you to our activation system.



Unfortunately, you are unable to verify. Please call back and try again.



Welcome to Microsoft Product Activation.


Please press 1 as a home user, and 2 if you are a business customer with a volume license agreement.

(家庭用戶請按 1,企業客戶請按 2)

專業版按 1,企業版按 2(企業版會比專業版多一步,下麵加【】括號部分就是多出來的部分)

【 Some business licenses require activation. If you want to activate your Microsoft products, press 1. To activate remote desktop or terminal services product, please press 2. If you require a volume license key for your licensing agreement, please press 3. For question related to the volume license service center, press 4. To help us to process your enquiry, please have all valuable agreement information to hang。 such as your agreement and organization number, and also your live ID.

(一些企業用戶需要激活。如果要激活你的 Microsoft 產品,請按 1。遠程桌麵或

者終端服務的產品,請按 2。需要一個批量授權的密鑰加進你正在使用的授權許可,請按 3。與批量授權服務中心有關的問題,請按 4。如果你需要我們幫助你進行谘詢,請提供所有有用的許可信息,比如說你的許可或是組織編號,以及你的授權 ID)。】

? 按 1

To proceed you need ......installation ID that several blocks with six or seven digits, and it displayed in the activation window on your screen. Press 1 if you have the installation ID available, if not, press 2.

(要繼續,你需要找到你的安裝 ID,它是由 6-7 個數字 組成的一些分組,顯示在你屏幕的激活窗口中。如果你有安裝 ID,請按 1;否則請按 2。)

? 按 1

If you want to activate office for Mac, press 1 now. To activate all other Microsoft products, press 2.

(如果你想激活蘋果係統上的 office,請按 1;激活其它微軟產品,請按 2。)

? 按 2

To make things easier for you, we offer to activate your product using a smart phone........To enter the number ....press 1, if you don't have a smart phone, press 2...

(說明性語言,此處隻翻譯關鍵性操作。) (為了更方便地激活你的產品,我們提供智能手機激活方式,輸入您的手機號碼即可,。。(略)。。如果你有智能手機請按 1,否則請按 2。)

? 這裏不管有沒有智能手機,都選 2。否則要輸入手機號。

To activate your product, you must have your installation numbers from your activation wizard on your computer screen.

(要激活你的產品,你必須有安裝 ID)中間一段廢話省略。。。

If you have your ID to hand and are ready to proceed, please press the hash key.

(如果有安裝 ID,並且準備好繼續,請按 #號鍵)

? 按#

To repeat this message, press the star key.

(重複請按 *號鍵)

Please enter the first group now.


Thank you! And the second group


Thank you! And the third group


Thank you! And the fourth group


Thank you! And the fifth group


Thank you! And the sixth group


Thank you! And the Seventh group


Thank you! Now enter the eighth group


Thank you! To finish, enter the final group

謝謝,*請輸入最後一組數字 以完成輸入


(1) Key 失效的情況

We are unable to activate your product.

(我們無法激活您的產品 )

It is possible that you are a victim of software piracy.


In order to check if your product is original, please click on the web link www.microsoft.com/genuine.

(查詢 您的產品是否為正版,請登錄網址 www.microsoft.com/genuine)

To obtain the licensed product,please return to your Microsoft reseller.


To repeat the message, please press the star key.

(要重複信息,請按 *號鍵。)

No entry was detected.


We are now ending your call.


(2) Key 有效的情況

On how many computers is your product currently installed?


Press one if you have installed this product on one computer.

(如果您把這個密鑰安裝在一台電腦上,請按 1)

Press two if you have install this product on more than one computer.

(如果您把這個密鑰安裝在多台電腦上,請按 2)

? *按 1

We will now continue to activate your product.


Your entry was accepted, now you will hear the confirmation ID readout.

(你輸入的數據已驗證完畢,現在你將聽到 激活 ID)

Starting with block A. www.xitonghe.com/win10/

(從 A 組開始)

Please either insert this number into the empty blocks at the bottom of your activation wizard, or write this number down for immediate entry into the activation wizard at the end of this call.



To hear this message again, please press the star key. For help, press 0 xitonghe.com

(重聽請按 *號鍵。如需幫助,請按 0)

? 此步如果自己不能一時間很好的翻譯出來的話可以進行錄音

? 聽激活 ID 過程如果自己不進行任何按鍵操作的話,則激活係統會將一組 ID 讀兩遍,但等待時間較長

Here is Block A ******

A 組 注冊碼


To continue press the hash key. To repeat the last block press the star key. (要繼續收聽下一組請按 #號鍵;重聽請按 *號鍵)

Block B ******

B 組 注冊碼


To continue press the hash key. To repeat the last block press the star key.

(要繼續收聽下一組請按 #號鍵;重聽請按 *號鍵)

。。。。。。 。。。。。。 。。。。。。(略)

Block 8th ******* 第 8 組 注冊碼


To continue press the hash key. To repeat the last block press the star key. xitonghe.com

(要繼續收聽下一組請按 #號鍵;重聽請按 *號鍵)

To complete, click the next button at the bottom of your activation window, then click finish.


If you wish to hear your entire confirmation ID again, press 1.

(如果你*想再聽一遍你的激活 ID,請按 1)

Otherwise, thank you for calling Microsoft. Goodbye.






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