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微軟著手修複導致穀歌瀏覽器死機的漏洞 網友瘋狂吐槽Win10係統

時間:2018-05-05 來源:互聯網 瀏覽量:

Since the Windows 10 April update, some users have been dealing with frozen systems when they're running apps including Chrome or using the "Hey, Cortana" command. The good news is Microsoft's working on a fix, which may be ready in time for next week's scheduled patch.


微軟著手修複導致穀歌瀏覽器死機的漏洞 網友瘋狂吐槽Win10係統(1)

The monthly Windows 10 updates typically include new features, like the recent Timeline activity log, and seek to squash bugs, such as the Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities Microsoft added defenses for in March. Sometimes, as with the update Microsoft rolled out on April 30th, the patches unintentionally add more problems.


Microsoft delayed the April patch over Blue Screen of Death issues, so while the May update is set for the 8th, Microsoft could push it back to make sure it fixes the freezing bug. Chrome has 62 percent of browser market share on desktops, according to Net Market Share, so even if they don't use "Hey, Cortana," a majority of Windows 10 users are at risk.



stevent13 hours ago

My systems still use win7 thank god


Just13 hours ago

Only if Microsoft can fix the bug that IS Windows 10 itself!


Mojo Raisin14 hours ago

Nope, I use Firefox and it works great. Even if it mysteriously freezes I won't stop using it.


James M13 hours ago

Microsoft is always fixing bugs. These "bugs" result from their intrusive software designed to track your use and otherwise monitor your activities.


Bat14 hours ago

what i heard was it was put in intentionally.


Jeffery13 hours ago

Why does microsoft have a pop up that tells me "there is a problem with my account" only because I refuse to sign in? You think Facebook is collecting your data and personal info? Microsoft is too.


Robert13 hours ago

Here is a solution for all of the bugs in Chrome. Install and use Firefox instead.


Scott13 hours ago

Now if they can Find out Why every time I wake it up it Wants My Password, Yes I know where the Setting IS & have changed it to Never but it Keeps asking Any Way.





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