係統粉  > 單機鬥地主老版






單機鬥地主老版截圖1 單機鬥地主老版截圖2 單機鬥地主老版截圖3 單機鬥地主老版截圖4
Fight Landlord
Fight the Landlord is a game for 3 players. The game is played with a 54-card deck (52 cards and 2 jokers). The object of the game is to be the first to get rid of all your cards.

Card Ranks
The cards ranks in the following order (from low to high):
(Low) 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K, A, 2, Black Joker, Red Joker (High) ?
* All the suits have the same value. Note that 2 is a high card.
Each player is dealt 17 cards. 3 cards are dealt face down, in the middle of the table.
The bidding round establishes the player who will become the landlord.
The first bidder is decided by a pre-bidding round, where each player is dealt a card. The one who is dealt the “wild card” begins the bidding.
In the bidding round the players can pass, or bid one, two or three points. Every player must bid more than the previous player, or pass. If all players pass, the cards are dealt again. The player who bids the most, wins the bidding round, takes the three cards from the center and becomes the landlord. If a player bids three points, he wins the bidding round immediately. If all players pass, then the cards are dealt again and a new bidding round starts.
During a tournament, if all players pass in three consecutive bidding rounds, the player who started the bidding in the third round becomes the landlord automatically. The bid will be 1 point.
Once the landlord is established, he is given the 3 cards in the middle. The other two players play against the landlord.


  • 差不多先生021:自從加入這個鬥地主遊戲以來玩得很開心這款鬥地主遊戲設計完美檔次分明真的是愛不釋手裏麵內容很豐富各種想玩的應有盡有強烈五星好評
  • 王凱利iii:非常給力的鬥地主炸金花棋牌遊戲好玩身邊好多人在玩給個好評比其他電玩城應用方便多了不用其他繁瑣的程序買球福彩都很好用還有走勢圖真的很推薦很好玩很開心就是每天贈送的豆子有點少讓人打得不夠盡興不夠開心不M夠火熱在就沒啥大的缺點了。
  • 申建傑:這是一款非常有趣的一款休閑鬥地主遊戲好玩的鬥地主遊戲平台,都是真人在線玩,房間分類明確,值得推薦!
  • opq201112:茶館鬥地主棋牌遊戲我在這個軟件上麵學到了很多東西喜歡這個軟件推薦
  • JuliusCeacar:我也很喜歡鬥地主單機版丶玩起來的時候就愛不釋手丶玩還有金幣送真的不錯
  • 這糖丶甜到悲傷:鬥地主,麻將,棋牌遊戲刺激更主要的是裏麵還有好多美女遊戲有趣的一款鬥地主,麻將,等休閑棋牌遊戲好玩的同時還有視覺享受會員也開通可以有好多特權了呢推薦給別人了
  • _小喬》蘇瑾伊:這是一款非常不錯的鬥地主遊戲,賺翻了趕緊來玩。
  • 我怕各種曖昧:玩鬥地主中的高遊戲時,遊戲運行很順暢,不會卡,很喜歡
  • 自古樓主出廢柴:臨汾本地的鬥地主,最接地氣的本地玩法,各種本地麻將玩法,享受朋友間的樂趣,沒毛病!
  • Xzi小天:希望多送點豆就好了炸金花,炸金花不是所有人都在說我們不知道怎麼真錢棋牌你說我們這裏,趕緊下載吧在這裏買棋牌投注快捷安全再也不用去實體店了直接用鬥地主就可以簡單試試手氣吧搞不好中了呢不錯的遊戲街機炸金花。


