winfs.exe - winfs進程詳解
進程文件: winfs or winfs.exe 進程名稱: Microsoft Windows Future Storage 進程類別:存在安全風險的進程 英文描述:
winfs.exe is a process called Windows Future Storage which can be found on later Windows 2003 (Longhorn). This program is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated. 中文參考: winfs.exe是Windows未來儲存服務相關進程,存在於Windows 2003 (Longhorn)操作係統當中。 出品者:Microsoft Corporation 屬於:Microsoft Windows Future Storage 係統進程:No 後台程序:No 網絡相關:No 常見錯誤:N/A 內存使用:N/A 安全等級 (0-5): 0 間諜軟件:No 廣告軟件:No 病毒:No 木馬:No